Appendix A: Academic Excellence and Educational Equity, Policy IGBJ

Policy IGBJ

Alexandria City Public Schools pledges to educate students in an atmosphere of excellence and educational equity that prepares them for citizenship and ensures they are challenged to stretch their talents and aspirations. Upon graduation, students may aspire to pursue college, a career, or independent living. Although educational equity does not mean that all students will have the same experiences or the same results, it does mean that the education provided by ACPS will respond to each student’s individual challenges, interests, and abilities, and that each student will be provided with the tools needed to excel.

The School Board will provide leadership and resources that support constructive and life- affirming educational outcomes for our students. Through an individualized approach to monitoring students’ interests and progress, ACPS will build on the strengths and gifts of each student.

ACPS believes each student will reach high levels of achievement when supported by a challenging curriculum, effective instruction, engaging relationships, and an environment that promotes his or her well-being academically, emotionally, physically, and socially.

ACPS commits to policies, regulations, and practices that incorporate and are consistent with the following principles:

  • Developmentally responsive educational practices and inclusive learning environments empower students to perform at high levels. ACPS will maintain and employees will use differentiated teaching strategies, assessment and other tools that support students in their learning.
  • Educational outcomes are not presumed by income, race, disability, gender, first language, or family background.
  • Access to educational programs, services, and opportunities does not depend on eligibility criteria other than those prescribed by ACPS policies, or local, state, or federal law. ACPS employees are expected to be aware of such applicable ACPS policies and local, state, and federal laws.
  • Home, school, and community all play a vital role in student success.
  • Providing a challenging educational program to every student with an emphasis on acceleration of learning opportunities is the responsibility of each administrator, teacher, and staff member.
  • By working together, administrators, teachers, and staff members model collaborative behavior to improve the quality of learning for all students. Each employee is responsible and accountable for the learning and achievement of all students and will help build a culture that reinforces this responsibility.
  • Employees advocate for the success of each student through program recommendations and robust communication with students and their families regarding opportunities for learning.
  • Positive educational outcomes are the responsibility of ACPS employees and our students in partnership with our families and community.
  • A focus on the whole child will guide our work with students.