Appendix F: Student Suspension/Expulsion, Policy JGD-R/JGE-R

Policy JGD-R/JGE-R

I. Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion 

The following examples of violations of the Student Code of Conduct and School Board policy may be grounds for suspension:

  • Arson
  • Threats or Intimidation 
  • Assault and Battery/Fighting 
  • Persistently Disruptive Conduct 
  • Profane or Abusive Language 
  • Gambling
  • Use, possession, or Distribution of Alcohol or Other Drugs or Restricted Substances 
  • Vandalism
  • Defiance of the Authority of School Personnel 
  • Weapon Possession
  • Theft
  • Violation of Bus Regulations 
  • Trespass
  • Gang Activity
  • Use or Possession of Tobacco 
  • Sexual Harassment

The following examples of violations of the Student Code of Conduct and School Board policy may be grounds for expulsion:

  • Arson
  • Threats or Intimidation 
  • Assault and Battery/Fighting 
  • Gambling
  • Use, Possession, or Distribution of Alcohol or Other Drugs, or Restricted Substances Vandalism
  • Defiance of the Authority of School Personnel 
  • Weapon Possession
  • Theft
  • Violation of Bus Regulations 
  • Gang Activity
  • Sexual Harassment

II. Appeal of Suspension and Expulsions

The decision of the Superintendent or his/her designee for a suspension for 10 days or less may not be appealed to the School Board pursuant to policy JGD/JGE. Appeals of suspensions of 10 days or fewer should be directed to the administrator who suspended the student. (See the Disciplinary Hearings Section).

Decisions made as the result of a disciplinary hearing may be appealed to the Chief of Student Services, Alternative Programs and Equity within five school days of the day that you were notified of the decision.

Students may be expelled from attendance at school after written notice to the student and his/her parent/guardian of the proposed action and reasons therefore and of the right to a hearing before the School Board. Regardless of whether the student exercises the right to a hearing, the School Board shall confirm or disapprove of the proposed expulsion.

III. Readmission of Expelled Students

Students who are expelled from the Alexandria City Public Schools and who are not permitted during the expulsion to return to regular school attendance or to attend an alternative education program, may petition for readmission to be effective one year after the date of the expulsion. The process for the readmission of any expelled student is as follows:

  • In order to ensure that a student has an opportunity for timely readmission to school, a petition for readmission must be filed not earlier than nine months, and not later than ten months from the date of the School Board’s decision letter expelling the student. Failure to file a petition for readmission in a timely manner may result in a delayed decision on the petition. Petitions must be in writing and must be filed with the ACPS Office of Equity. Any student aged eighteen (18) or older must file a petition on his or her own behalf. If the student is under the age of eighteen (18), the parent(s)/guardian(s) may act on the student’s behalf; 
  • Within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of a written petition for readmission, the Office of Equity will schedule a hearing before the Director of Equity. At the time of the hearing, the student and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) must come prepared to explain why the student should be readmitted to school, and how the school can be assured that the student’s behavior has improved and that there will be no recurrences of inappropriate behavior. If any conditions for readmission had been imposed by the School Board at the time of the student’s expulsion, the hearing will review whether all of those conditions have been achieved. The Director of Equity will issue a written decision within seven days of the hearing. The parent(s)/guardian(s) and/or student will receive a copy of the decision.
  • Parent(s)/guardian(s) and/or the student may appeal the decision of the Director of Equity to the School Board within five days of receiving that decision. A copy of the Director of Equity’s decision, a copy of the expulsion decision, and any other materials which have been submitted concerning the expulsion, and petition for readmission will be provided to the Board. The Board may, but need not, hold a further hearing. The Board shall issue its decision within 21 days of convening to consider the appeal.
  • Where a petition for readmission is denied, a student (or if applicable, his/her parent(s)/guardian(s)), may reapply on an annual basis in accordance with the above schedule.