Responsible Use of Technology Agreement for Elementary Students 2024-2025

Students in Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) are given ACPS-owned devices to borrow to be able to learn, create, and participate in many different types of activities. It is important for students to have access to these devices to be successful. They should be responsible and respectful digital citizens when using them.

Students who do not follow ACPS's rules (policies, procedures, and guidelines) will be given various consequences. These consequences could include a meeting with a Principal/Assistant Principal, a parent meeting, limited use of the device, removal of the device, contacting law enforcement, etc.

I will: 

  • Follow all ACPS and classroom rules, policies, procedures and guidelines when using technology.
  • Use all ACPS technology to create files and projects for school-related work, conduct research, and access applications ("apps") through Clever.
  • Keep my usernames and passwords private, including my Google username and password.
  • Use my device as a tool for learning.  I understand that it is not a toy and will follow my teacher’s instructions for using devices and stay on task.
  • Keep food and drinks away from my device.
  • Use care when carrying my device.
  • Treat others with respect and use appropriate language in all of my digital interactions with others.
  • Immediately tell a trusted adult if I receive a digital comment or communication that makes me feel uncomfortable or sad, or if I accidentally access inappropriate materials, pictures, videos or websites. 

I will not:

  • Use Division technology resources to find, create, or send information to spread misinformation; or harass, harm, bully or discriminate against others.
  • Use technology to gain unauthorized or inappropriate access to Division technology resources. (Example: Accessing another user’s accounts)
  • Use, retrieve, store or send inappropriate language, pictures, or other digital content.
  • Access inappropriate or blocked resources using personal wifi accounts or by any other manner while on school property during school hours.
  • Copy text and/or reuse images without permission (violate copyright laws).
  • Allow anyone to use my device, including friends and siblings.
  • Use other students’ usernames and passwords and/or log into another student’s accounts.
  • Share private information (full name, address, birthdate, school, phone number) online.
  • Trespass and/or manipulate others’ work, school or personal accounts or files. 
  • Take my device outside of the United States of America without explicit permission from ACPS Technology Services.

I understand: 

  • Use of ACPS technology is a privilege and can be restricted or taken away if I do not follow the rules.
  • ACPS reserves the right to control its technology by monitoring and restricting student use. ACPS may search any device that is assigned to a student and retrieve, change or delete data (information) that is created, received or used by a student.
  • I should treat any work I do while using my device as part of my classroom space. Behavior and language that is against the rules in a classroom is also against the rules while using a device, no matter what time of day it is.
  • Assignments in online learning spaces are the same as any other assignment in school, and students are expected to follow all policies and procedures in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook, including all policies related to cheating, plagiarism, and responsible use of technology.
  • The school Division is not responsible for any personal electronic devices brought on to school property.
  • I may face consequences for not following the rules stated in this agreement and other ACPS policies, procedures, guidelines, and the Student Code of Conduct. 

By signing below, I agree to follow Alexandria City Public Schools Responsible Use of Technology Agreement for Elementary Students. I understand my use of Division technology resources is a privilege and requires me to be a good digital citizen by following the rules.

Student Name:

Student Google Username:

Student Signature:


Parent/Guardian Notice and Permission


The Division provides students with access to various technology resources, including a wide range of educational resources through the internet. The Division uses content filtering technology in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) on all school computers with Internet access to protect against unacceptable web content. However, because no web filtering is 100% safe, the Division makes every effort to monitor online activity.

Home Access and Monitoring

While the Division provides parents/guardians a tool to monitor their students' internet use on their school-issued device, outside of school, parents/guardians bear responsibility for providing guidance on internet use, just as they do with other information sources such as television, radio, movies and other media. Parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of the internet and access to Division technology resources, including online learning spaces, collaboration tools, and educational resources. 

Device Damage/Replacement

Students are responsible for the care and use of their school-issued devices. Damage and/or loss of devices will result in consequences that could include the below fees. Fees may be paid on a payment plan or through alternative consequences, based on need, at the school’s discretion. 


Accidental Damage

Intentional Damage*




Up to $200

Up to $200



Up to $100

Up to $100




*Damage fee determined by repair technician based on required replacement parts/device replacement.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have reviewed the responsible use agreement.

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Signature:
