Services During Long-Term Removal

The IEP team shall meet prior to the 11th day of removal, or as soon as possible, to determine the services needed for a student who is facing a long-term suspension, so as to enable the student to:

  • Continue to participate in the general educational curriculum, although in another setting
  • Continue to receive supports and services described in the student’s current IEP which will enable the student to progress toward meeting IEP goals
  • Receive, as appropriate, an FBA, and behavioral intervention supports and services, which are designed to address the behavior violation so that it does not recur.

An IEP addendum shall be developed to document the proposed services during a long-term removal. The amount and type of instructional services to be provided in order to allow the student to continue to participate in the general education curriculum would depend on:

  • The length of the removal
  • The extent to which the student has been removed previously
  • The student’s educational needs and goals

In order to serve the student during a long-term removal, the IEP team shall consider alternative instructional techniques, such as alternate/highly supervised partial school attendance (e.g., two hours per week after school dismissal) or home-based instruction. School personnel must ensure that the student will have the opportunity to avoid falling behind and enable the student to progress in the general curriculum and on IEP goals and objectives. Additionally, students who are removed from school during state or division-wide testing must be provided arrangements for participation in all required assessments.